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New lookup service offered by the Family History Library

Can’t make it in person to a Family History Library or Family History library affiliate? Then try this new lookup service provided by the Family History Center in Salt Lake City.

Staff and volunteers at the library will look up specific records in their collections that cannot be viewed online. Since Library Lookup is not a research service, people will need to identify the specific record from that they need to see.

To use the Lookup Service, visit the online request form to request a copy of the image of the original document. Requests may take a few weeks to process, depending on the volume of requests being handled at a given time.

When requesting a book, please be as specific as possible about what you are seeking. Using the same online request form, guests can provide the title or call number of the book, along with the page number they would like copied.  The staff will send a PDF copy of the page or pages, as allowed. In cases where page numbers are unknown, staff can check the index in a book for the listing of a name or chosen term to help provide the right pages.

To learn more about this service, go to:

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