Linking You to Your New York Ancestors

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Free Genealogy Webinar Focuses on New York City Geography will host a webinar on Wednesday, November 18, at 2 p.m. Eastern time entitled “History of the Geography of New York City.” The presenter will be Stephen Morse.

New York City has undergone numerous changes in its geographical boundaries over the years. An understanding of these boundaries is important in order to know what archive to search in when looking for vital records. This talk shows the changes to New York City’s geography, and describes the difference between New York City and the City of New York. The origin of the counties and their changing boundaries, along with the early geographies of Brooklyn and Queens are presented. And finally the consolidation of 1898 that created the City of New York and defined the five boroughs is discussed.

Stephen Morse is the creator of the One-Step Website for which he has received numerous awards including both the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Outstanding Contribution Award from the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies.

Update: Currently the webinar can be seen on at:

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